8 Reasons Your Roller Door Doesn’t Work
8 Reasons Your Roller Door Doesn’t Work

10 Reasons Your Garage Door Won’t Work
We have repaired roller door for all sorts of reasons. Everything from spiders’ webs blocking the sensor to kids jamming toys in the runners. Luckily most garage door problems are fixable.
There are times you may be able to fix the problem yourself, but sometimes it’s best to leave the garage door repair to the professionals. Identifying the problem with your garage door may help determine if you can tackle the problem or if it’s time to call someone for assistance.
Here are 8 reasons your garage door won’t work.
- The Transmitter Batteries Are Dead
Obvious, but easily missed. If the batteries in your transmitter are dead, a signal won’t be sent to your garage door to open.

Are your garage door opener batteries full?
First, test the transmitter on the wall inside your garage. If it still opens your garage door when pressed, then the transmitter in your car probably just needs a new battery. If you have more than one car transmitter you may as well change all the batteries.
Your garage door transmitter also has a battery which you can change. Usually it’s a matter of simply opening the door on the back of the transmitter and replacing the battery.
2. Something Is Wrong With Your Transmitters
There could be a few issues that might be causing your transmitters not to work properly. It may be as simple as you being out of range of your garage door. Try waiting until you turn into your driveway to hit your transmitter button.
When you know you’re in range and the door still won’t open, check to make sure nothing is blocking the antenna inside your garage. Your antenna must be free from any obstruction to clearly receive the signal to open and close the door.

Your neighbors garage doors could on the same frequency as yours.
They’re opening their garage door along with yours.
If your garage door opens and closes randomly when you’re not even hitting the button make sure your transmitter isn’t stuck under something that could be pressing on the button. If that’s not the case, you could check your transmitter’s frequency. Possibly a neighbor is using the same frequency as yours, and as they drive by, they’re opening your garage door along with their own.
Your transmitter may need to be reprogrammed consult your owner manual for specific instructions, or call a garage door professional to come help you.
3. The Door Was Manually Locked
If your garage door doesn’t open, but the opener motor runs for just a few seconds and then shuts off, the garage door itself may have manually been locked.
4. Something Is Blocking the Door’s Path
If you find that your garage door closes part way and then goes back up, something may be physically blocking the path. It could also be caused by a buildup of debris on the tracks such as dirt, gum or mud buildup. If the door hits even a small object on the track, the inbuilt safety features will make it go back up.
Inspect the area around your garage door to see if something is blocking the photo eye sensors. Then check the tracks for any buildup on the inside. Don’t forgetto look at the tracks on the top part of your garage as well.
5.There is a Powercut

Is the power to your garage door connected?
Or the power cord to the motor has disconnected.
6. The Track Is Not Aligned Properly
If your garage door track is out of alignment, it can be a serious issue. If you see gaps between the rollers and rail, or bends in the rails themselves, you have a problem.
You may hear a rubbing noise when the garage door reaches a certain spot on the tracks. Sometimes the door may even slow down slightly when it hits this spot.
If the door won’t move at all because of an alignment issue, then this problem isn’t one that you should try to tackle yourself. A garage door professional will have the necessary equipment to realign and repair your garage door or, if necessary install a new garage door track for you.
7. Your Springs Are Broken
If your garage door all of sudden won’t go up and you’re sure the transmitters are working properly and power is getting to the motor, then you may have broken torsion springs.
Doors come with one or two torsion springs. If either spring is broken, the garage door opener may struggle to lift the weight of the door or fail to open the door at all. If a spring is broken, call a professional for service as these can be very dangerous to work with. Don’t try to open the door until a professional comes to inspect it and replace the springs.
8. The Tension Springs or Cables Are Broken
Garage doors have tension springs and cables that help to slowly and safely lower your door while closing. If these tension springs or cables break, your garage door may close really fast, often with a loud bang when it hits the ground. This is very dangerous as there is nothing preventing the garage door from crushing something that might be below it. Call a garage door professional as soon as you can.
Refrain from parking your car in the garage until the garage door is repaired. Do notopen and close the door while it’s in this condition. It’s especially important that you and your family stay away from these cables or springs until everything is repaired.
At Adelaide Elite Roller Door Repairs, we’ve been installing and repairing garage doors since 2001. We know the ins-and-outs of garage door repair, and can your diagnose your garage door problems if you’re uncertain what the issue is. We handle everything from automatic garage door repair to garage door replacement.
To schedule a repair with our skilled garage door technicians.
Call Andrew today 0421 234 106
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